My Take on the Opioid Crisis
Help me, along with many others, stop the opioid crisis through education. Sometimes statistics do not speak to people so here is a project I created that marries statistics and photographs of the struggle experienced by opioid addicts. A source that inspired me a lot and perfectly depicts what I think will stop the opioid crisis is James Natchwey's "The Opioid Diaries." Visit my project "My Take on the Opioid Epidemic" to understand and learn about my view on the opioid crisis.
According to, "Everyday more than 130 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids."
According to, "A new study found that both deaths from opioid overdose and opioid prescriptions rose in areas if the country where physicians received more opioid-related marketing from pharmaceutical companies."
An article on James Nachtwey's "The Opioid Diaries" read, "The result (of the crisis) is 'The Opioid Diaries,' the first issue in our 95-year history devoted entirely to one photographer's work. This is a visual record of a national emergency and demands our urgent attention."
The article "Visual Marketing: A picture is worth a thousand words" says, "The brain processes images 60,000 times more than it processes text."
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